Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ragam ank2

Semalam hari yg kacau bilau di waktu pagi. Rasa nak bertukar jd hulk hogan pun ada, nak EL pun ada. Dgn abang menangis, adik pun meraung. Nak prepare brg2 lg. Tak prepare awl2 sbb aku dmm mlm tu. Duk ingat nak mc dah tp mkn panadol ok lah sikit. Abang merengek tanak g sekolah.Tanak pakai baju. Adik lak nak berdukung jer. Abe dah selamat ke opis. Car seat lak br nak buh dlm kete sambil pgg Adnin. Tesenget2 la pulak. Eii! rupanya sbb aku dah ubah posisi dia. Sib baik dlm kete semua org diam. Mood Hakimi pun dah ok sket. Sempat lg singgah beli nsk & kuih ..he..he..walaupun lambat kita kena cool sbb rushing2 sgt nanti accident. Aku dah nak kena dah. Cover blk lambat jelah kalau masuk lambat tu ;)

Adnin dmm Khamis tu. Kat kg lg bdn2 dia dah pns je. Bg ubt dmm muntah la pulak. Mmg susah mkn ubt sikecit tu. Nak mintak ubt homopati abe prefer ubat klinik biasa. Meragamnyer boleh tahan ... sampai mencabar kesabaran bila semua tak kena ...meraung sajer.Ummi punrasa nak nangis sama..huhuhu..Suara ank dara itew boleh thn nyaring nyer! Nurun tokku yah..he..he..maklumla suara ummi ni atr dgr tak dgr sajer (ye ke? :P), tp boleh berubah jd tarzan taw kat umah..hak..hak..

Aku lak dmm lps Adnin dah ok sket dmmnya tp meragam lg esp. time nak tdo mlm2. Marah susu ku dah slow gamaknya tp bg botol pun hisap sikit lps tu meraung jgk. Ke lapar nih? Try bg puri apple, setakat 1 sudu kecik bolehla. Tp esoknya try bg lg awl2 dah mcm nak muntah. Aku tak start buat bubur nasik lg ingat nak bg puri buah2 dulu.

Mcm2 cara nak bg tdo, masuk buai - ok utk percubaan pertama je. Pastu tanak dah. Nak tdo ats bouncer lak. Tp bahaya sbb dia selalu tuka2 posisi, kjp mengiring, kjp meniarap. Nampak dah nak mengiring tu aku angkat letak kat tilam. Sjk blk dr kg nih aku 2 brnk tdo kat ruang tamu lah. Nak angkat naik kat bilik, takut tesedar kang meraung lg. Abah tdo dgn abe Hakimi.

Time meraung sgt tu dah habih cara aku sapu air syifa' kat seluruh bdn dia, then letak ats bouncer. Tak lama telena lak..maybe mustajab air syifa' sbb masa tu pergantunganku sepenuhnya pd Dia dgn doa hilangkanlah 'apa yg tak kena' pd anakku nih. Or maybe dah letih meraung dah sampai tertdo. Dah tdo tu aku tatap je wajah dia ..huhuhu..tenang lak rasa..hilang penat lyn ragam dia. Time meraung2 tu rasa nak babab pun ada (apala mak camni..huhuu) tp berbekalkan akal yg waras dan kesabaran yg masih bersisa aku tahan2 kan perasaan nih. Nak kena ambik air twr nih. Abah dah buat air Yasin suh mandikan & letak kat mulut dia.

Kat taska aku suh cikgu bg je bubur kalau dia nampak nak mkn. Ptg tu cikgu ckp nangis gak bila bgn tdo sbb bising kot. Tp Alhamdulillah ptg & mlm td merengek sikit2 saja. Kalau dia marah susu ku slow sgt, terus standby EBM. Rugi lak mlm td 4oz frozen EBM. Rendam siap2 kalau nak susu lg tp dia terlena je, dgn aku2 sekali lena.

Hari ni lak pg2 smooth cuma time nak sampai tadika hakimi wat hal nak kencing kat umah. Tgk jam dah lambat dah. Dah janji sblm bertolak, kencing kat sekolah je, infact dah kencing kat rumah pun sblm kua tu. Sbb hisap susu pagi2 ler tu. Tadika masuk tadika, nak susu la pulak. Sblm tu sibuk nak cari botol susu dia jatuh dlm kete. Soksek2 la tepi pintu tadika tu. Eii!rasa nak lepuk pun ader. Abah dah siap bg duit raya sbb dah byk kali dia tanya. siap ckp abah bg kat org lain je..ngeh..ngeh. Tup tup ada ragam lg.Hai, gitulah yg terpaksa ditempuh oleh mak2 yg bekerja nih. Mana nak lyn ank & mana nak rushing ke tpt keje. Sabaaar je lah byk2 ... & remember one day bila ank2 dah bsr kita pasti senyum sorang2 ingatkan ragam dorang masa kecit2 :)

Cloud B Cuddle Cub Givaway

It's simple : Create a link back to us or
as requested, you can FACEBOOK about us.
Just link back to us and stand a chance to win a Cuddle Cub (worth RM 139.90)
Giveaway ends : 30th September 2009
NEW ! Cuddle Cub - Gentle Vibrations for Comforting SleepHelping soothe the sense of touch, Cuddle Cub’s tactile sensations are carefully chosen to comfort, calm and provide a sense of security.A unique heart-shaped vibration unit tucked in Cuddle Cub’s body provides two gentle vibration options. Combined with soft fabrics and memory foam, Cuddle Cub helps comfort and ease children to sleep.Cuddle Cub Features:
· Unique heart-shaped vibration unit in Cuddle Cub’s body features Time and Rhythm options
· Time Options:Hug Mode - activates with gentle hug orTimer Mode - auto shut off after 2 mins.
· Rhythm Options:Heartbeat Vibration - soothing pulse rhythm orContinuous Vibration - comforting constant motion
· Includes Cuddle Cub story and adoption certificate
· Includes two AA batteries
· Ideal for ages 2 to adult
Acik copy paste jer. Kwn2 sila la join. Best tau kalau dpt something free nih ;) Sila klik kat gambar utk link giveaway ni.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Coolababy CD Giveaway

Best giveaway nih! sbbnya ku pantang tgk cd, ada hati nak tambah lg walaupun stok dah kira cukup ler. Alaa..mcm baju la kan, dah penuh 1 almari pun asyik beli br lg..he..he..

Giveaway nih anjuran mommy Sarah Rahim .Kwn2 yg berminat nak join giveaway @ nak beli CD (ewah, promote lak) sila kelik kat gambar2 di ats ya. Aku dah guna CD ni. Infact ni jenih cd 1st yg aku beli. Performance bagus cuma batch lama PUL dia kasar sket, yg baru2 ni dah lembut. Yg baru aku guna AIO. Ramai yg guna cd coola ni sbb ni atr termurah & performance ok.

Ramai yg dah join giveaway ni. Doa2 bertuah la ya ;) tgh kumpul legging utk adnin gak ni. Bestnyer kalau dpt free kan ..he..he..

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Duit Raya – MySuperKids Special Aidilfitri Giveaway

mysuperkids giveaway

Sertai sekarang untuk voucher minyak PERCUMA!

weblog popular 1Malaysia

Wah, meroyan masuk contest la pulak..ngeh..ngeh.takpela mana tau lucky kan (bak kata Suzi. Kagum sungguh dgn dia. Gigih masuk contest & selalu menang lak tu. Tulahkalau rajin usaha insyaAllah dpt la kan. So nak gigih gak lah..he..he..) Lgpun tak habih duit pun.

Ni copy dr blog Mommylyna. Dah lama ber-YM, berblog, bila nak jumpa live ye ;)


The winner will be selected by LUCKY DRAW! Seperti biasa ia akan di-draw-kan oleh dua orang hakim berkaliber kita.
> Best sket, kalau berkempen acik tak ramai peminat..he..he..

Pssstt… Setiap satu penyertaan akan dapat 1 nombor a.k.a. 1 peluang cabutan, TAPI anda berpeluang untuk dapat berpeluang2 lagi, dengan melakukan ini:-
Tampalkan code di atas di sidebar – 1 KAD CABUTAN <— ini syarat wajib utk sertai giveaway ni.

Buat satu entry ringkas, just copy+paste code di atas juga dalam entry anda – 1 LAGI KAD CABUTAN.
> OK

Buat satu lagi entry tentang giveaway ni dengan backlink ke MySuperKids – 1 LAGI KAD CABUTAN.
>OK. Eh confuse. Kira sekali lah ni

Add MySuperKids.net di blogroll – 1 LAGI KAD CABUTAN (yg dah add pun dikira).
>OK. Dah lama add ;)

Masukkan link entry ini di FaceBook (notes/status/wall,etc.) – 1 LAGI KAD CABUTAN.

Masukkan link entry ini di Twitter – 1 LAGI KAD CABUTAN.
>Tak OK.Tadak Twitter lor

Kalau ada lebih dari satu blog dan buat benda yang sama – CABUTAN DIKIRA 2 KALI.
>1 blog je :)

Jom kwn2 join. Mana tau dpt voucher minyak free nih. Buleh wat jalan raya ;)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hadiah & Kurma dll.

Ku tempek hadiah dr Rozy. Sukaa sgt dpt ni. Bertambah2 sukaa sbb dpt extra beg manik2 yg comel lote itu (hijau warna kegemaranku ;)), sticker I love breastfeeding & kad raya. Tak sempat raya aku dah bwk beg ni gi opis. Rasa very the ladylike & sopan gitew..hak..hak..Baju pun padan sgt, boleh pakai kat umah mertua sbb lengan pjg.

Thn ni wat 'biskut' raya yg ni je lah. Ni versi testing. Resepi dr blog Kak Pah (pengetua tadika ank aku). Bgtau abe psl resepi tu, terus dia suggest suh cuba. Sesuai amat pd aku yg mls nih..he..he..thn sblm ni wat cornflakes madu tu.Cari resepi yg plg sng ;) Yg ni bkn shj senang tp berkhasiat. Cuma rasa coklet putih ni kdg2 lain sket. Tak cuba lg coklat biasa. Lupa nak goreng badam lak, terus taruk camtu ja. Kes tak refer resepi blk la ni. Masa tgh2 prepare nih Adnin nak tdo lak, so misi diteruskan oleh abe ..he..he.. bhn2 byk lg, sambung kat kg la kot. Ajk ank2 buah abe buat sama :)
Aku sbnrnya tingin sgt kat ni
dan ni kat Butik mumsdreams tp rege dia raatuus RM wei. Doh namo lg butik kan :P. Kalu ada duit lebih lps raya harus ku rembat gak..heh..he..nafsu2. Tak selesa pakai bj kurung nak angkat2 time ngepam (alasan nak baju baru la tu)

Brg2 balik kg tak kemas apa pun lagi. Selalu last minute.Pastu kalut la. ni bertambah brg utk sikecit. Takpe2 be cool...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Slmt menyempurnakan Ibadat Puasa & Slmt Menyambut Aidil Fitri

Sedar tak sedar kita dah tiba di penghujung Ramadhan. Thn ni mmg teruk betul aku rasa. Tiada ucapan Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan secara rasmi & tak reply ucapan sms kwn2. Nak sambut raya pun malu rasanya sbb sikit sgt amln di bln puasa thn ni :( InsyaAllah dpt puasa penuh thn ni. Thn ni tak join tadarus kat ofis sbb kumpul On Call tiap2 hr dek nak balik kul 4.30. Kalau blk kul 5 stuck dlm ukm & slow area umah aku sbb bdk2 balik sekolah. Dkt kul 6 lah jgk sampai kat taska. Nak msk2 + sikecit merengek nak menyusu nak tdo, rasa semput gitu.

Msk pun simple2 sgt. Adalah beli jgk kat psr Ramadhan tp kdg2 tak lalu nak telan. Mahal tp tak sedap :( Hari minggu pun menu biasa2 je sbb ptg2 tu rasa melepek jgk. Sikecit mengempeng seharian. Alhamdulillah masih bertahan dgn misi penyusuan susu ibu ni walaupun stok beku semakin surut. Adnin pun sehari dua ni semakin krg minum kat taska. Lps raya nak start introduce fruit puree. Blender abah dah beli. Ummi je tak prepare bhn2 lg. Time bukak posa nampak dia teringin sgt tu just bg dia hisap isi kurma sikit. Sehari dua ni kena bukak posa sambil pgg dia. Member dah sakan nak berdiri. Nak msk pun kena rush sbb cpt betul tergolek ,tgk2 dah bwh meja, tepi dinding, nak capai itu, nak capai ni.

Persiapan raya utk ank2 ala kadar je. Abah dah beli baju2 t-shirt ank teruna tu. Baju melayu takde saiz lak. Cari kat tesco je ;) Tgk kat KB la pulak kot. Biasanya tokku sponsor gak..he..he.. Abah taktau beli ke tak baju baru. Ummi dah ada 2 psg, cdg satu tu nak pakai sblm raya tp lambat siap jadilah baju raya semua. Berangan lg nak intai2 baju kat mumsdreams tu ..he..he.. Biskut order 2 jenis utk lps raya, utk kwn2 dtg beraya. Utk kat kg, beli kat tesco jgk cdgnya. Utk ank dara baru ada hairband & tdg raya. Ingat nak jahitkan dia bj kurung lebih baju aku tu. Ntah sempat ntah tidak.Mmg teringin sgt nak amik gambar dia pakai bj kurung & tdg.Tak sbr2 ummi nih.

Kami blk kg pg Jumaat ni. Doa2 perjalanan lancar. Byk nak kena prepare brg2 nih. Pd semua yg mengenali di alam maya nih mahupun secara live, mohon maaf jika ada salah silap ya. Selamat balik kampung, semoga selamat semuanya.

Ada masa ku update lg. Esok keje mlm. Cdgnya nak siap2 brg2 blk kampung & beli apa yg patut. Ni tunggu berbuka. Mknn dah siap beli. Abe outstesen ke sg.petani mlm td. Pg esok br sampai. Sedih gak sahur sorang2, sib baik ank teruna teman. Terbgn sbb sakit perut, 'melabur' di tgh2 mlm.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Manjakusayang Aidilfitri Giveaway

Wah, gigih join giveaway. Sajer suker suki :P Sblm ni duk blog hop jumpa blog ni. Best duk cuci mata. Gerram tgk baju bb cute mute nih. Sekali jumpa life kat Hari Susu Ibu. Beli satu tight (cuba dulu). Bila koleksi gaun ank dara ku dah byk bulehla order lg kat manjakusayang ni ;) Cantik2 koleksinya + reasonable price. Ewah, promote sket..he..he..

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Cupcakes contest

Cupcakes...suka sangat dgn decorationnya, cute! Mkn pun senang dgn sizenya yg shomel itew. Dan di ats adlh blueberry cupcakes. Pasti comel & sedap! "Ibu Emir, I want that cupcakes!!" please..please.. ;) Dpt free lg bertambah sedap ..he..he..

Mencuba nasib lg. Kwn2 yg berminat silalah join contest ni. Sila klik gambar tu ya :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Ni 1st time aku tempek hasil tenusu kat opis sbb syukur & happy sgt. Dah berminggu ngepam dpt 4oz pastu turun 3oz tp 1st session td dpt 4.5oz pastu 2nd session dpt lbh krg 8oz..sahdu & gumbira.Alhamdulillah bertambah sikit rezeki Adnin.Ptg smlm beria dia menyusu, kul 6 tu susu ada tp flow sgt slow aku rasa, tu dia merungut2. Sib baik tak nangis, tp tgn dikepal2 cam nak menumbuk je (bekeng cam ummi ka..kui..kui..).

Cek sket diet smlm:

Bukak posa dgn milo+2 sudu oat, betik, kurma 3 biji
Mkn nsk dgn sup ayam, mug bsr longan & red dates instant
Kul 3 lebih minum soya & 2 kpg biskut oat IKO (ye kot nama tu..he..he..)
Sahur nsk, sup ayam, ikn rebus goreng, sambal kicap, air habbatussawda'+madu brand Dr. Ismail Kamus (lupa lak nama dia..he..he..), kurma 3 biji

Sblm pukul 10pg dah rasa penuh, rupa2nya dah leaking. Doa2 berpanjangan lah gini, buleh restock frozen EBM. Dah curi 2 bks, dkt nak expired. Kena ganti tu..huhu..kat umah kdg2 pam sekali kdg2 langsung tak, direct feeding je. Mlm2 tdo kan Adnin dgn aku2 sekali selamat sampaila kul 3pg.
Smlm order performance drink shaklee, hr ni dah dpt. TQ mommylina. order tu sbb rasa exhausted sgt, 3hr cuti tu mmg direct feeding je. Tak kira brp kali sampai rasa melepek je, lpr dahaga mcm mula2 puasa. Sahur mkn nsk byk pun jd letih jgk. Baca kat SI & blog Sitilina ttg performance drink tu, kena cubalah :)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Lelaki ke perempuan?

Org selalu tanya camtu maybe sbb dia rambut ciput je cam lelaki..he..he..Mcm ummi masa kecik. Che selalu ckp org selalu tanya lelaki ke pompuan. Nampak cam pompuan tp rambut cam lelaki..he..he..Ni baju 2nd hand (bj abang ler), boyish sket. Kua umah br jd ank dara sejati ;) Berkenannyer dgn tdg shomel2.Kalau ummi pakaikan musti sampai lutut ka..hak..hak..Raya ni cam nak pakaikan baju kurung.Nak kena calling2 tokku mitok sponsor..he..he..

Aku skrg tgh weng2. Ku wat keje sambil menghilangkan mood ku yg weng2 dgn blog & FB. Ku tempek muka sikecit ineh yg boleh buat hatiku berbunga2 :)

Relaxation Techniques

by Diane O'Brien Juve @ http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/4092/relax.html

I don't claim to be an expert in most areas of mothering (my only experience is with my 23 month old son Matthew), but I was a dynamite EBM pumper. Wasn't my favorite part of nursing, but I could easily express 6-12 ounces every single time. So here's my 2 cents.

Pumping is a learned skill, not a talent, and you, too, CAN do it well! I taught Biofeedback for 3 years (not Biorythms =8D .... Biofeedback teaches relaxation techniques combined with feedback to teach people to retrain injured muscles, prevent headaches, etc. It's used in most major medical centers now, and helps with stroke rehabilitation, among other things.)

What I learned with Biofeedback techniques enabled me to be a great pumper, and you can be, too. Really!

I won't go into incredible detail regarding the various relaxation techniques, because they're in magazines and books all the time. The specific routine I suggest, however, is as follows:

(You'll do this routine at least once or twice a day for 5-15 minutes until your body becomes accustomed to dropping into a relaxed state. Once your brain has learned how to do this, and you learn how it feels to be in a relaxed state, you'll be able to relax enough to pump with just 3 or 4 slow abdominal breaths. And the neat thing is, once you've learned this skill, you will have it forever, and with very little practice you can become proficient again at any time.)

OK, so here's the routine:
Start by taking 15-20 SLOW abdominal breaths. Tha means counting slowly to 4 when you inhale, and again when you exhale. Breathing is the single most important skill to practice, and should be done slowly and deliberately throughout the relaxation session.

Next, tense and relax, say, your fists, tensing for 5-10 seconds while keeping the rest of your body entirely relaxed, and BREATHING. You can tense and relax as many different muscle groups throughout your body as you want (top to toes, or working your way from your toes to your head, whatever is comfortable for you), concentrating on deep, relaxed breathing as you do it. (This is an extremely brief description of Jacobsen's Progressive Relaxation exercises, which have been around since the '30's, and about which much better descriptions can be found elsewhere...)

The final step, called Autogenic training, is how I pumped so much in relatively little time. When you can really relax and let your right brain do its thing, you'll have EBM literally squirting into the bottle! You've probably done these exercises at some time, basically imagining yourself lying in the warm sun, perhaps imagining a warm cloth moving over your body. There are tapes that do a great job of helping you visualize the warmth...

The key to autogenics is warming your hands, so you want your fingertips to actually get warm and tingly. The "warm hands" are just the easiest measure of the autonomic nervous system, which controls our fight or flight response. When you worry about pumping enough, for instance, you don't let anything down at all. Right? That's because worrying sets off your fight or flight response, which shuts down excess circulation to the extremities (causing "cold hands"!), sends adrenalin through your system, slows or shuts down your digestive tract, and basically stops "unnecessary" functions (such as milk letdown!) in order to send more blood rushing to the heart and running muscles.

I know it's tough getting time to yourself with little one(s), but I can guarantee that if you do the above exercises faithfully for 2-3 weeks you'll notice a significant increase in letdown. and you'll be able to do it without having to spend so long getting into that relaxed state.

Remember, dynamite pumping CAN be learned.

Susah Let down reflex :(

Utk bacaanku & kwn2 yg hadapi mslh yg sama masa pumping. Kalau direct Alhamdulilah ok jer.

Sumber : http://kellymom.com/bf/supply/letdown.html.Ku copy yg berkenaan je.

Possible causes of slow let-down
It's quite normal for a mother to have a harder time letting down when pumping than when nursing. The milk may be there, but you may have a hard time letting down and "releasing" the milk. Some mothers also have a let-down which is not functioning properly when baby is nursing.

Many things can be the cause of a slow or inhibited let-down: anxiety, pain, embarrassment, stress, cold, excessive caffeine use, smoking, use of alcohol, or the use of some medications. Mothers who have had breast surgery may have nerve damage that can interfere with let-down. In extreme situations of stress or crisis, the release of extra adrenaline in the mother's system (the "fight or flight" response) can reduce or block the hormones which affect let-down.

Sometimes a cycle is created, where baby fusses and pulls off because the let-down is slow, which makes mom tense up, which makes the let-down even slower, etc. You can use relaxation techniques and let-down cues to break this cycle.

Let-down cues that have proven helpful
Use all of your senses to facilitate let-down. Concentrate on the sight, sound, smell and feel of your baby. Have a certain beverage that you drink (the sense of taste) at the beginning of every nursing session, have a certain song that you listen to, etc.

Additional suggestions if you're pumping while separated from baby:
- Look at a picture of your baby (nursing, if possible). (kat pc dah ada tp bkn ms nursing la)
- Try listening to a tape recording of your baby fussing before nursing and/or feeding sounds.(kena bukak video kat handphone la nih)
- Use a portable tape player with headphones if needed. Or just visualize what he sounds like when he's ready to nurse. (dah byg pejam2 mata rasa nak lena plok..ngeh..ngeh..)
- Put a sleeper or t-shirt or blanket that baby has worn in a ziplock bag. Open it up when ready to pump - smell and touch it. (nak kena bwk bj masham Adnin la nih ..he..he..)
I know my milk is there tp segaan je nak kua..huwaa!!!

Monday, September 7, 2009


1- sbb 1st time menang contest giveaway kat blog ni. Hr tu join Nursing T-Shirt To Giveaway kat Blog Rozy. Mmg skrg tgh mengumpul nursing shirt/blouse/jubah. TQ Rozy. Nak tgk design nanti buleh tempah kat tkg jahit :)

2- sbb cuti 3 hari lg tp hr ni abe kije. Opis dia cuti pilih2 je. Raya pun sib baik dpt cuti. So, lepak2 kat umah je.

Byk nak cite tp dgn bdk2 2 org nih, takleh nak concentrate :)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Tag dr Pn.Su Lunatots

Su, akak rajin nak menjwb tag sbb bbrp hr ni akak asik duk print screen wallpaper ni tp tatau nak letak mana, rupanya instinct nak menjawab tag Su ..he..he..
Selalu tuka2 wallpaper ni. Kenapa tempek yg ni? sbb hati tgh rindu dgn bdk 2 org ineh. Bahagia dianugerahkan mereka ...* mode in love..he..he..Busan2 kat opis (bos marah ke tau ni? ..he..he..) tgk la muka bdk2 ineh, pasti gumbira tak saba nak balik umah.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

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