Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tekanan Darah Rendah (Hipotensi)

Tekanan Darah Rendah (Hipotensi)
Apa itu Tekanan Darah Rendah ?
Tekanan darah rendah (hipotensi) adalah keadaan tekanan darah yang lebih rendah dari tekanan yang diperlukan oleh tubuh, sehingga setiap organ dari badan tidak mendapat aliran darah yang cukup dan menyebabkan timbulnya gejala hipotensi. Tekanan darah seseorang adalah berbeza. Ini kerana ia membabitkan kawalan utama otak, jantung, buah pinggang dan ransangan di dalam salur darah.
Faktor yang mempengaruhi tekanan darah
Dalam menentukan seseorang itu menghidap tekanan darah, terdapat beberapa faktor yang boleh membantu iaitu:-
  • usia
  • aktiviti seharian
  • perasaan
  • ubatan
  • pendarahan
  • infeksi
Kebiasaannya orang yang selalu dikaitkan dengan penyakit tekanan darah rendah adalah dari golongan atlet dan pengamal diet. Mereka jarang terdedah kepada beberapa jenis penyakit seperti:-
  • stroke
  • penyakit jantung
  • penyakit pada mata
  • pengerasan dan penyempitan pada pembuluh darah
Gejala Tekanan Darah Rendah
Bagi penghidap tekanan darah rendah, mereka tidak akan menunjukkan tanda mereka mempunyai penyakit tekanan darah rendah. Mereka akan menunjukkan gejala atau tanda-tanda awal seperti:-
  • cepat lelah
  • pening kepala ketika posisi badan berubah
  • sukar untuk berkonsentrasi
  • mata berkunang-kunang
  • mual
  • kulit berasa dingin, pucat dan lembap
  • pernafasan cepat dan pendek
  • defresi
  • cepat haus
Sekiranya seseorang itu hendak hamil, mereka digalakkan untuk membuat pemeriksaan terlebih dahulu sebelum hamil. Ini kerana ia adalah untuk mengelakkan berlaku komplikasi pada bayi itu nanti.
Penyebab Tekanan Darah Rendah
Tekanan darah ditentukan oleh dua pekara, iaitu jumlah darah yang dipompakan oleh jantung dan tahanan (resistensi) pembuluh darah yang kecil-kecil pada tubuh. Terdapat beberapa penyebab yang boleh tekanan darah rendah terjadi iaitu:-
  • Kekurangan volum darah - cecair mengalir dalam saluran darah seperti pendarahan yang tidak boleh terkawal
  • Dehidrasi - dehidrasi yang mengurangkan kandungan cecair dalam badan seperti kes muntah yang teruk dan cirit-birit.
  • masalah jantung - deyutan jantung yang agak cepat mahupun sebaliknya yang terlalu lambat.
  • Keadaan otot yang lemah. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sambutan hari penyusuan susu ibu Kelantan 2011

Buat IBU2 yang berada di Kelantan, pada 28-30 Julai ini akan diadakan Sambutan hari penyusuan susu ibu anjuran HUSM dan HRPZII di MYDIN MALL Kubang Kerian pada 29Julai akan ada acara pnyusuan ibu2 beramai2...nak kumpul anggaran 500 orang..doodr gift dan sijil penyertaan akan diberikan utk ibu2 yang mnyertai acara ini...pelbagai acara menarik spt pertandingan bayi sihat, Ibu anggun, kuiz, pertunjukan busana ibu menyusukan akan diadakan....bagi yang berminat boleh pm Qay Muhd https://www.facebook.com/ladyqay utk beri nama....let's come and celebrate breastfeeding moms!!!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

World Breastfeeding Week. 1 - 7 August 2011

Temanya "Minggu Penyusuan Ibu Sedunia" pada tahun ini ialah "Penyusuan Ibu - Suatu Pengalaman 3 Dimensi? Katakan  Padaku!". Sambutan ini diraikan di seluruh dunia untuk tujuan melindungi, menyokong dan mempromosi penyusuan ibu. Aspek ini akan menjadi kukuh dengan kehadiran dimensi ketiga iaitu KOMUNIKASI. Ia adalah mengenai ANDA! Setiap seorang daripada kita mempunyai suara untuk menyatakan kepentingan penyusuan ibu bukan hanya dari aspek kesihatan dan kehidupan, malah ianya penting untuk persekitaran, hak asasi wanita dan bayi serta pembangunan masyarakat [Sumber : Malaysian Breastfeeding Peer Counselor FB Page]
Sambutan2 yang dijalankan:
1. Progam Minggu Penyusuan Susu Ibu Peringkat Negeri Perak (9 Julai)
2.Sambutan Hari Susu Ibu 2011 anjuran Malaysian Breastfeeding Peer Counselor (MBfPC) dengan kerjasama PUSPANITA Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya (MPSJ) (16 Julai)

3. Nurse-In Flash Mob (7 August)

Nurse-In Flash Mob 7th August 2011, 5pm

Salam to all,

Macam ramai peminat je..ehehe..kesian blog ku kesepian sekian lama...Mari ku meriahkan kembali ;)

Bercerita bab breastfeeding :)

1st time jumpa word flash mob ni bila kwn2 add kat event di FB ->

Nurse-In Flash Mob 7th August 2011, 5pm

Sunday, August 7 · 5:00pm - 5:30pm

KLCC Fountain Park near Dome

Created By

ForKLCC Nurse-In Ad Hoc Group

More Info
In conjunction with World Breastfeeding Week which is held from 1st to 7th August annually, we would like to gather AT LEAST 100 moms with bubs (daddies, grandparents, etc are welcome too!) to join us for a five-minute flash mob in in Suria KLCC in which we would nurse out babies simultaneously! ♥

Apa itu flash mob?
A flash mob (or flashmob)[1] is a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual and sometimes seemingly pointless act for a brief time, then disperse, often for the purposes of entertainment and/or satire.[2][3] Flash mobs are organized via telecommunications, social media, or viral emails.[4][5][6][7][8][9] The term, coined in 2003, is generally not applied to events and performances organized for the purposes of politics (such as protests), commercial advertisement, publicity stunts that involve public relation firms, or paid professionals.[6][10][11]

Source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_mob

Baca sebahagian cerita2 nurse-in flash mob di sini :

Ku tak sure dpt approval ke tak ni untuk join  :)

Kalau google kat you tube flash mob  ni siap ada acara tarian..he..he..
Kat WABA ada lagu & lirik [http://worldbreastfeedingweek.org/pdf/standup.mp3]
listen up
imma rap about breasts
cuz ev'ry other song
has a line about her chest

and the world's OK with
the sex context
but feed the future and
the world's like

what the heck?
they call it a rack

turn a gift of god
into a sales contest

and treat ev'ry woman
like an item on the shelf

major corporations and
snakeoil quacks
claim to replace
what's nature's best

with powdered potions,

subliminal ads

enough of that
it's time to act
k and waba say
time to take your breast back

Suka lirik yg bold tu :) Kalau omputih boleh "berjuang'' sebegitu, kenapa tidak kita...

World Breastfeeding Week 2011 Flashmob-"Feed the Future!"
7 August 2011, 3pm, Penang Gurney Plaza, Malaysia.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Bengkel Latihan PPIMM/MBfPC di Zon Utara

Kepada ibu-ibu yang mempunyai semangat dan minat mendalam dalam penyusuan susu ibu dan suka membantu rakan-rakan, saudara-mara dalam hal ehwal penyusuan, anda semua digalakkan untuk menyertai bengkel latihan Pembimbing Ibu Menyusu atau Peer Counselor yang bakal diadakan di Zon Utara pula. Maklumat bengkel latihan adalah seperti berikut:

Tarikh : 10-12 Jun 2011
Lokasi : WNS Homestay, 2175-A, Jalan Mahkota, Off Jalan Stadium, 05250 Alor Star, Kedah.
Masa: 8.00am-6.00pm
Yuran penyertaan: RM100

Bagi yang berminat untuk menyertai bengkel latihan seperti diatas, sila hantarkan butiran berikut kepada admin@malaysianbfpc.org :
1) Nama
Ii) alamat
Iii) nombor telefon
Iv) e-mail
V) Nyatakan secara ringkas kenapa anda berminat menyertai bengkel ini
Vi) tarikh/lokasi bengkel yang ingin disertai.

Pihak pengurusan akan menghantar semula e-mail permohonan penyertaan berserta borang-borang pendafaran yang perlu diisikan kepada yang telah menghantar butiran diatas.

Untuk makluman semua, setiap permohonan akan melalui proses saringan dari pihak pengurusan berdasarkan maklumat dari borang permohonan dan borang questionnaire peserta untuk memastikan hanya peserta yang memenuhi kriteria pemiihan sahaja layak untuk menyertai bengel latihan ini. Maklumat selanjutnya mengenai bengkel latihan akan diumumkan melalui e-mail jemputan penyertaan kepada yang telah memberi butiran kepada pihak pengurusan MBfPC.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Bercerai susu sementara... :(

Saat kejadian begini memang dijangka bagi ibu bekerja..sob..sob.. seriously..I don't like it sbb belum bersedia..But to take it positively, this is the time you MUST learn new skill, memujuk anak kesayangan utk wean off sementara..kenapa sementara..kerana ku & 'baby' blm bersedia.Cdgnya nak wean off naturally bila pregnant nanti (?). Belajar memujuk hati sendiri menerima hakikat tanggungjawab dlm bekerja. Boleh tak buat bengkel di sini shj tanpa bermalam? Save bajet kan ;)

Oh my! Breastfeeding is not just giving milk as your baby's food but it is more than that..BONDING..ATTACHMENT..LOTS OF LOVE..PRECIOUS MOMENT..CLOSE TO YOUR HEART..

Dan abe pun dah request "escape boleh tak?" he..he..sbb dia yg akan menanggung kecelaruan? berhadapan dgn tangis nyaring anak dara itu mencari ummi. Kalau kerja mlm pun tak tdo tunggu ummi balik? Inikan kena tinggal 3hr 2mlm?? Tapi hanya Allah yg mempermudahkan segala urusan. Kita hanya usaha & doa. Kena guna teknik memukau ni ;) Org lain outstation ke obersea ok jer..eheh..

Bila ada cabaran, maka kita akan berusaha mencari ilmu utk selesaikannya. Ada hikmah di situ kan ;) Ku google2 & share di sini:

Change bedtime routines

My then 26-month-old daughter Elise's favorite time to nurse was at night, right before bed. Instead of nursing, I read to her from her favorite books. She would then drink her milk, and snuggle into the pillows ready for sleep. It took a few weeks to get her used to the routine — and some crying — but we learned to bond in a different way.

Tricks for the family bed

I weaned my daughter just shy of her second birthday. When she woke in the middle of the night, I would just hold her until she drifted back to sleep when she realized there would be no "nursy." I kept a cup of milk ready for her when she woke up in the morning, then we read, read, read until she got used to this pattern and not nursing. Bedtime was tough. I would just say no, Mommy has no more milk or I'd let her dad take her to bed and I stayed away until she drifted off.

A recipe for weaning

Here's a gentle weaning method to try: Finely chop a clove of garlic. Put chopped garlic and a tablespoon of olive oil in a small bowl. Let this sit for a few hours. Strain out the garlic. The oil should have a strong garlic odor. Put the oil on nipples. (You may want to protect your bra with a nursing pad.) My 2-year-old would ask to nurse and then tell me I was stinky and refuse. She'd check a few times a day, and lo and behold I was still smelly. I reapplied twice a day for about four days and then she stopped asking. We cuddled and read a lot of books during the transition time. There were no tears. I'm happy I nursed her as long as I did, but I was ready to wean!
— Anonymous

My son was 2 years and 8 months old when I stopped nursing cold turkey. I just told him my milk was all gone and he accepted it. This was after almost two years of doing everything else I could think of to wean him from nursing.
— Bambi

I had to wean my 24-month-old suddenly because I'm taking some medications that pass through breast milk. We had given him boxes of organic vanilla milk when we traveled, and he always liked it. So I bought a case and explained that he could not nurse because of the medicine. He cried hard the first night, but Dad got him to sleep. Now he reminds me to take my medicine and we cuddle a lot during the day. Only go cold turkey if you absolutely have to. I know it would be easier on both of us if we'd had the time to gradually wean.
— Francesca
Source : Babycenter

Sunday, May 29, 2011

MBfPC DI Hari Belia 2011 Putrajaya

Bersempena dengan sambutan Hari Belia 2011, Malaysian Breastfeeding Peer Counselor (MBfPC) akan mengadakan booth pameran penyusuan susu ibu serta sessi khidmat bimbingan percuma daripada Pembimbing Ibu Menyusu (PIM) / Peer Counselor (PC). Dijemput semua yang ingin mendapatkan maklumat penyusuan dengan lebih lanjut atau ingin menyertai komuniti MBfPC sebagai sukarelawan PIM / PC, boleh la datang ke booth MBfPC pada hari tersebut. Maklumat mengenai booth MBfPC di Hari Belia 2011 adalah seperti berikut :

TARIKH : 27 - 29 Mei 2011 (Jumaat-Ahad)
WAKTU : 9am - 6pm

Jom para PC untuk bersama2 memberi khidmat bimbingan dalam penyusuan disana. PC yang ingin bertugas diharap dapat memberikan nama kepada nurain@susuibu.com untuk pembahagian jadual syif.

[Credit to Hayatie Hashim]

Maklumat lanjut mengenai lokasi, tempat parking dsb boleh ke laman web http://www.haribelianegara.org.my/

Thursday, May 26, 2011


[Info Amal] Kepada yang ingin memberi sumbangan kepada anak-anak yatim At-Takwa berupa wang ringgit atau barangan bolehlah inbox FB Nik Ha atau email nikhabizz@gmail.com dengan tajuk Sumbangan Amal. 
Sumbangan akan disampaikan melalui AJK EWA Malaysia yang akan terus ke tempat kejadian 
Cara-cara sumbangan duit :
> Boleh bank in ke akaun Nik Ha, nyatakan jumlah & no.rujukan, Nik Ha akan serahkan kepada AJK eWA
> email / inbox untuk no.akaun

Sumbangan barangan :
> Sebarang bentuk barangan yang masih elok & bersesuaian
> Jika tinggal di sekitar Bangi boleh jumpa di PKNS Bangi dengan temujanji
> Jika jauh boleh pos - email / inbox untuk alamat

Nota :

eWA adalah Persatuan eUsahawan Wanita Malaysia
Matlamat utama:

• Untuk menyatukan usahawan wanita Malaysia yang terlibat dalam bidang atas talian supaya dapat bertukar maklumat dan idea.

• Untuk mempromosikan (e) eletronik dan perniagaan atas talian di kalangan usahawan wanita Malaysia.

• Meningkatkan taraf profesionalisme dikalangan ahli dengan melatih mereka menggunakan aplikasi teknologi ICT bagi memperluaskan perniagaan dan produktiviti.

• Untuk menjalankan aktiviti samada di dalam atau di luar negeri mengikut lunas-lunas Pertubuhan yang berkecenderung untuk mempromosi dan memajukan kepentingan ahli-ahli Pertubuhan.

• Membuat dan menganjurkan kajian, kertas kerja, peninjauan atau penyelidikan atas aspek-aspek terbabit dalam bidang (e) eletronik dan perniagaan atas talian.

• Memberi kerjasama kepada Kerajaan dan agensinya dalam melaksanakan dasar- dasar Negara khususnya yang melibatkan profesion ini.

Main Committee Members:
Patron – Dato’ Noraini Bt Ahmad
President – Professor Madya Datin Norizan Bt Abdul Razak  ~               norizan@ewamalaysia.com.my
Vice President – Zaklean Ansari Bt Zambri   ~   zaklean@ewamalaysia.com.my
Secretary – Norhimah Bt Aziz  ~  norhimah@ewamalaysia.com.my
Vice Secretary – Hamidah Lagiman  ~  hamidah@ewamalaysia.com.my
Tresurer – Shereen Wee Abdullah  ~  shereen@ewamalaysia.com.my
Vice Tresurer – Ramnah Bt Salleh  ~  ramnah@ewamalaysia.com.my

Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy 7th Birthday

Selamat Hari Lahir yg ke-7 buat abang bolat. Besday boy merengek2 tak nak pergi sekolah hari ni..monday blues :P. Sambutan hari lahir buat awal sehari..he..he..abah beli kek sebiji kemarin, pakat makan lah 4 beranak. Hari ni ummi bagi goodies sikit kat classmate KAFA. Nak bg semua kwn2 termasuk sekolah kebangsaan, bajet ciput je ;) Takpelah next time pulak. 

Ummi doakan abang menjadi anak yg soleh, berjaya dunia & akhirat, rajin2 belajar & berakhlak mulia.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

DIY Snapping Button to CD/CP

Dah lama beli snap plier ni tapi hari ni baru godek2. Cadangnya nak tukar velcro kat cloth pantyliner & snap apa2 lagi yg berkenaan. Biasala nuntut kat you tube ..he..he..1st time buat tak berapa jadi lg.Tercabut pula butang sebelah lg. Tekan kuat sangat pecahla pulak..he..he..cuba lagi ;)

Pada yg nak cuba bolehla beli di MyLittleToro

Monday, May 2, 2011

Pembimbing Ibu Menyusu/MBfPC

Gambar dari Pn Nor Kamariah & Famila

Alhamdulillah Ahad lepas diberi kesempatan untuk bergraduasi lagi setelah tamat 4 hari (9&10, 16&17 April) menjalani bengkel pembimbing ibu menyusu (Malaysian Breastfeeding Peer Counselor Training Program - West Coast Region 2011) di Rumah Ilmu Jannatul Firdaus, Seksyen 7, BBBangi.

Inilah antara sijil yang paling bermakna buat ku. Sebelum ni memang mewah sijil kat tempat kerja ku nih, asal kursus terus dapat sijil, berbanding tempat kerja lama dulu, jarang dapat kursus, dah hadir tu sijil pun takde..he..he..tu cerita lama. Sekarang dah banyak penambahbaikan dah ;)

Dari tahun lepas rasa teringin nak join tapi banyak pula halangan masa, kewangan & tak berapa yakin dengan komitmen yg akan diberikan. Tapi setelah genap 2 tahun misi menyusukan Adnin & kawan2 yang selalu bertanya ttg susu ibu, rasa terpanggil untuk join training tahun ni. Ditambah yuran pun ok, dekat dgn rumah pula tu, Adnin pun dah besar...Alhamdulillah dipermudahkanNya dapat jgk menghabiskan sesi training tu dgn jayanya (result blm dapat..he..he..)

Adnin stay kat taska time abah keje. Ahad tu abah ambik awal tapi Adnin nangis lak.Ingat ummi kot, so minggu seterusnya Adnin stay kat taska je. Ok je cikgu dia cakap.

Apa yg sangat-sangat memberi kesan di training ini adalah dari segi mengubah tanggapan terhadap ibu & penyusuan susu ibu. Breastfeeding is a journey selama 2thn itu, jadi jika gagal di peringkat awal bukanlah bermakna gagal selamanya.Just let go perasaan2 yg membelenggu tu. Kena sangatlah dgn diriku. Rasa bersalah sebab mampu susukan si abang 3 bln shj. Adnin pula minum FM semasa di hospital & rumah masa mula2 balik tu. Rasa terkilan sbb target tanak susu FM sikit pun.

Berita penuh di Susuibu.com

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Lagu Menyusu Sama-sama

You and me, me and you,
It's a huge responsibility,
Look at them, look at you,
You can feel the love when they look at you.
Me and you, you and me,
There's a world of possibilities,
Raising them, protecting them too.

Mari kita sama sama, sama sama,
Menyusu baby .. baby
Ibu anak sama sama, mana mana,
lebih erat hubungannya ohhh...

Mari kita sama sama, sama sama
Menjamin baby baby, baby baby baby...
Riang ria, sihat sihat, cerdik cerdik,
Semoga hidup sempurna.

It can be tough sometimes, it ain't easy,
They'd cry sometimes, you'd go crazy,
But at the end of the day, hard as it may,
You'd melt when they stare into your eyes....

You and me, me and you
It's a huge responsibility
Raising them, protecting them too.

Komposer / Lyric: Brian Lee Toh Chu

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Breastfeeding gathering 2011 with Malaysia Book of Records

Copy dari blog Pn Farah

Breastfeeding gathering 2011 with Malaysia Book of Records
Date: 24 April 2011 (Sunday)
Kelab Rekreasi Dan Berkuda Denai Alam, Selangor
Denai Alam Recreation & Riding Club, Selangor (DARC)
No.1 Jalan Elektron U16/100, Denai Alam, 40160, Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan
Waktu: 10.00 pagi – 2.30 petang
9.00am Arrival of Participants (Served with Nutri 99)
9.45am Arrival of VIPs
10.00am Welcome Greetings by MC
10.10am Negaraku
10.15am Opening Speech by VIP & Signing of “I support breast feeding”
10.25am Launching of Modu Breast Pump – With Video
10.30am Speech by Mr. Saiful on Modu Breast Pump
10.45am Launching of Nutri 99 (Ms. Farah as the ambassador)
10.50am Speech by CEO on Nutri 99
11.05am Photo Session (VIP, CEO, Farah & Saiful) / Press Conference
11.35am Song Performance / Group Singing (Breastfeeding Song)
11.50am Malaysia Book of Record for 300 mothers breastfeeding
12.10pm Breastfeeding fashion show, babywearing & cloth diaper demo
12.30pm Breastfeeding Thoughts
1.00pm Group photography session
1.15pm Lunch and fellowship (Lucky draw) + Shopping at Bazaar + show
2.30pm End

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Great Cloth Diaper Change KL

EVENT: The Great Cloth Diaper Change KL
DATE: 23 April 2011 (Saturday)
LOCATION SPONSOR: Scriptory Box, Wisma Bling Lustre, Taman Meranti Jaya, 47120 Puchong, Selangor
(Click here for Google Map location)
**UPDATE! We have a DAY & NIGHT event on this day!**
10 am – 4 pm: Sales Booth, Fund Raising Baby Photoshoot & GCDC Event T-shirt sales Event. Limited door gifts for early birds!
(Open to EVERYONE)
10 pm – 1 am*: The Great Cloth Diaper Change World Record Event with food, games, lucky draws, goodie bags and FUN for all participants. The theme is “PAJAMA/SLUMBER PARTY” (Dress in your comfiest night wear, and don’t forget your teddy bears and pillows!)
(Only for those who PRE-REGISTER as a participant)
*The Great Cloth Diaper Change will be done simultaneously across the globe at 12 midnight Malaysian time, or the equivalent of 23 April, 9 AM American (PDT) time.*

Saturday, April 2, 2011

1st booth promo ;)

Anda dijemput ke gerai jualan ClothDNZ dengan pelbagai koleksi tudung, baju kanak-kanak, cloth diaper, buku & sticker menyusu di jualan EWA Malaysia (eEntrepeneur Women Association of Malaysia) sempena Digital Literacy Programme & eWA1st AGM's di Bilik Kuliah, Tun Abdullah Mohd Salleh, UKM BANGI, Sabtu, 2 April, 9:00am - 5:00pm. Ada demo pelbagai produk lain & kelas ICT.

Nik Ha

Friday, March 18, 2011

Motivasi Untuk Diriku

N3 ini akan kekal di sini sebagai motivasi utk diriku meneruskan misi penting
penyusuan susu ibu selama 2 thn

Doa untuk menambahkan susu:
Ya Allah, permudahkanlah segala urusan kehidupanku, banyakkanlah susuku untuk bayiku, dan permudahkanlah perjalananku untuk menyusukan anakku agar menuruti segala yang telah Engkau syariatkan..

Ya Allah seberapa banyak susu yang aku perolehi hari ini , penuhilah dengan rahmatMu dan keberkatan di sisiMu. Semoga dengan keberkatanMu, susu yang sedikit menjadi banyak dan kenyang buat anakku

AminMaksud ayat : Dan (ingatlah) ketika Nabi Musa memohon supaya diberi air untuk kaumnya, maka Kami berfirman: “Pukullah batu itu dengan tongkatmu”, (ia pun memukulnya), lalu terpancutlah dari batu itu dua belas mata air sesungguhnya tiap-tiap satu puak (di antara mereka) telah mengetahui tempat minumnya masing-masing. (Dan Kami berfirman): “Makanlah dan minumlah kamu dari rezeki Allah itu, dan janganlah kamu merebakkan bencana kerosakan di muka bumi”.

Sambil baca letakkan tangan pada b dan doa semoga Allah murahkan rezeki unt
uk menyempurnakan penyusuan hingga 2thn.
Amalkan Surah al-Hujurat & al-Kauthar
Zikir Ya Matin (70x) setiap mlm & subuh @ hembuskan pada air & minum
Surah Yasin ayat 72-73
Baca Selawat dan Bismillah sebelum menyusu dan mengepam

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Koleksi baju menyusu

Khas untuk kawan2 di Kumpulan Ibu Menyusu Group di fb ;) Sedikit idea utk alteration jubah & baju kurung untuk memudah penyusuan & mengepam :)

Bukaan menyusu menggunakan zip sorok 12" di bhgn hadapan

Bukaan menyusu di bhgn hadapan jg tetapi zip dari ats 14"

Bukaan menyusu di bahagian tepi kanan & kiri dgn zip sorok 12"@14"

Baju kurung dgn zip biasa 14"

Baju kurung dgn zip sorok 14"

Baju kurung pahang/riau dgn zip sorok kanan & kiri
dan baju menyusu pertama yg ditempah

Ada inner separuh di bhgn hadapan
Ada yg letakkan cangkuk kecik utk elakkan terbuka luas di tgh2

Untuk memudahkan double pumping, seeloknya gunakan zip 14", kalau pendek agak ketat sdkt utk masukkan kedua2 corong (mcm baju tempah khas kat ats ni.Last2 selak dr bawah je :P)

Anda boleh guna inner/camisole biasa atau inner menyusu jika bimbang dgn bukaan yg luas. Setakat ini Nik Ha belum pernah beli inner menyusu ;)

Boleh alter t-shirt lama yg nipis utk dijadikan inner.

Boleh letakkan butang di bhgn atas jika tak nak terlalu terdedah ketika zip dibuka.

Baju kurung biasa (jika ingin selak dari bawah) perlulah longgar bagi memudahkan double pumping.


Suka tgk2 web DIY nursing wear. Kalau ada mesin jahit, boleh cuba2. Setakat pakai sendiri bolehla kan..he..he..Jumpa web ni, nice ;) :



Bagi sesetengah ibu menyusu, baju menyusu bukanlah satu keperluan. Tapi bagi Nik Ha, ia amat memudahkan. Jika kita menyusukan/mengepam dlm keadaan selesa & tenang, insyaAllah susu lebih banyak. Pernah pakai baju kurung yg tak berapa longgar, tak selesa betul jadinya. Sbb tulah corong fs kemek2..he..he..duk tekan2 dek baju ketat sket. Kalau single pumping mungkin ok. Nik Ha tak suka sgt selak2 time menyusukan sbb rasa byk je kain kat muka baby. Tapi kalau utk pam sesekali ok juga dgn syarat baju longgar.

Bagi ibu2 yg tak nak beli nursing wear, boleh guna selendang. Tapi kdg2 Nik Ha rasa tak selesa bila ia melurut. Mungkin boleh jahit/pin. Kalau nak jimat kena kreatif sket. Tp ku ni suka soping..ehehe..Suka buat koleksi. Mana tau esok2 boleh design/ada koleksi sendiri utk jualan ;)



Alhamdulillah tahun ini saya telah memulakan servis ubahsuai baju menyusu bersama rakaniaga yang juga passion dalam dunia susu ibu.

Info lanjut, klik di sini --> Ubahsuai/Alteration Baju Menyusu

Thursday, March 3, 2011

bersawang sudah...

Rindunya nak menulis di sini..banyak yg ingin dikongsi tapi tak terluah, tak tertaip...huhuhu

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Logo Breastfeeding

Baca blog Rozy, nampaknya sambutan sticker I Luv BF sangat menggalakkan ;) Ku dulu pun beli dari dia. Ada yang tanya nak beli yang tu, ku jual Mini T sticker je ;) Boleh jenguk2 di SINI. Sejak menceburi bidang penyusuan sepenuh masa ni mmg sangat ingin mempromosi bidang ini pada semua ibu2.

Dulu ku pernah bagi buku kpd kawan2 ofis yang pregnant/baru bersalin sebagai hadiah & pendorong utk commit dalam dunia susu ibu. Untuk tahun ni belum beli lagi buku tu. Kena mula promosi lah ni ;)

Seronok bila tgk dlm web mat saleh especially, macam2 ikon kreatif ttg bf. Jumpa web ni bila search bf icon.

Mothering, the natural family living magazine, decided to have a "Create a Breastfeeding Icon" contest.

The image of a baby bottle on an airport sign announcing the location of a "parents lounge" infuriated us and got us thinking: Isn't there an international symbol for breastfeeding? We called around. Spoke to lactivists and breastfeeding organizations all over the world. No one had seen or heard of an international symbol for breastfeeding. This is our official call for entries.

They received over 500 entries, and narrowed it down to twelve finalists.

The winner according to Mothering is icon 8 (above) created by Matt Daigle, a graphic designer, stay-at-home father and self-described "Mr. Mom." Congratulations Matt!

Interesting side note: Matt is a deaf cartoonist. Check out his site for his take on what he thinks is funny in the "deaf world."

Jadi, mengikut fahamanku Matt lah yang mencipta ikon tersebut kan? Personally mmg suka gak ikon tu sbb universal & tak menonjolkan breast sangat mcm ikon2 lain ;)

Mothering.com juga menyediakan ikon utk dimuat turun sebagai mempromosi breastfeeding. Klik pada website nya ya.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Thank you Allah

Pagi ni macam biasa duk cek email, fb & bloghopping, masuk la dalam web Shakleetrialpack Mommylina. Klik Pemenang Cabaran Blogging GHS, terkejut pulak tengok ada namaku. Dah lupa join contest tu. Memanglah terkejut bangat! Hadiahnya pulak bagai pucuk dicita ulam mendatang :
membership percuma!

Alhamdulillah...thanks a lot Lyna ;)

Actually memang dah lama niat nak jadi ahli sebab rasa dah serasi makan vitamin Shaklee walaupun tahu agak mahal juga nak maintain. Tapi sebab ada trial pack rajinla makan dgn konsisten. Dah beli full pack alfalfa, dah lama lak stop..ops! ha tu la sbb ku suka trial pack.senang nak ingat mkn ke tak sbb bilangan dia cukup utk sebln.Nampak gaya kena gi beli sorter utk ubatan kat farmasi ler. Isi siap2 untuk sebulan.

Dah order full set utk BF tapi tertangguh pulak pembayarannya. Sowy Lyna. Bertindak sekarang..he..he..

Pada yang ingin mencari info tentang supplement bolehla jenguk http://shakleetrialpack.com/

Dulu ada kontroversi juga ttg trial pack ni, isu pencemaran & insuran perlindungan kerana ia dipek semula. Bila ku rujuk kepada pengasasnya, isu pencemaran boleh timbul juga bila kita tidak menjaga kebersihan ketika buka seal botol walaupun dari full pack. Kebanyakan pengedar trial pack adalah ibu2 yang menyusukan anak dan mementingkan kebersihan, memberi yang terbaik untuk anak dan pelanggan. Terpulang kepada kepercayaan & pilihan masing-masing. Jika ada kemusykilan, komen, kritikan membina bolehlah terus menghubungi pengedar sendiri.

Personally, ku ingin bertukar ke full pack bila dah betul-betul yakin serasi + modal lebih sikit..he..he..mmg agak mahal nak kua ratus2 tu tapi dr segi jangkamasa pjg lebih jimat sebenarnya.kalau boleh spend duit utk baju bajan, elok juga spend utk supplemen.Penting jika anda kurang menjaga pemakanan seimbang.Atleast ada lah zat dari supplemen untuk menampung mana-mana yang kurang.Ku sendiri ngaku mmg fail sket bab nak cukupkan makanan ikut piramid pemakanan seimbang tu. Tapi kena berusaha juga utk dapatkan yg original ;)

Eh, pjg pulak, ala-ala nak jadi jurucakap shaklee daa..he..he..just sharing with luv dear ;) Ku tak jual (lagi buat masa ni..he..he..) Just kongsi pengalaman setahun lebih makan multivitamin, b kompleks, vitamin c & alfalfa Shaklee. Tu pun ada gak time berenti dek habih bekalan. Plg konsisten la setakat ni..he..he..sbb nyusu anak. Maklumla demi anak sanggup buat apa shj.Sblm ni mmg harap kat hubby je beli vitamin. Dia mmg health conscious orangnya.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hari pertama persekolahan - KAFA

Alhamdulillah abang Qaiyum dapat bangun awal 1st day ke sekolah. Kes tdo awal dek sakit kepala. Kalau tak, pukul 10 pun nak tengok kartun lagi. Pastu pagi liatlah nak bangun.Sib baik abah yang menguruskannya, kalau tak mau ummi jadi mak tarzan di pagi hari..he..he..

Pakai baju sekolah agama pun ok, sebelum ni asyik cakap tak mau pakai. Dia mana pernah pakai sampin seumur idup.Dari kecik nangis2 takmo pakai, time raya pakai baju melayu gitu je.Ummi punyala excited nak pakaikan sampin bling2..he..he..

Ummi pun blur sikit masa nak hantar tu sbb tak tau lagi flow macamana walau dah tanya2 kat staf dia. Maklumla 1st time. Kenalah balik ambil uniform sekolah kebangsaan pula. Tertinggal stokin pulak :P Rasa macam nak tunggu je tapi nampak dia ok tak nangis, so tinggalkan jelah. Dalam hati macam2 perasaan ada, maklumla 1st time dia kat tempat baru. Pemalu lak tu, kot terkencing ke, tak mau makan ke..biasala mak2 pikir mcm2..he..he..

Lega bila tgk dia dah lengkap berpakaian sekolah kul 12 tu. Dalam kereta nampak excited sbb ada kwn2 sama tadika dulu. Dia cakap dah makan. Tanya ustaz ajar apa, jawapan biasa dia 'tak tau' :p

Abah pun cuti semalam. Dgn adik Adnin hantar abg Qqiyum ke sekolah walau tgh tdo kena angkat jugaklah, walau tak berapa sihat..

Sambung cerita di sekolah kebangsaan pulak ;)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Why use cloth?

Reusable Cloth Diapers vs. Single use Disposable Diapers

The battle between reusable cloth diapers and single-use diapers is heating up once again. In the 1955 virtually every baby in the United States was diapered using cloth diapers. In 1961, Proctor & Gamble introduced Pampers, a single-use diaper. In 1991, approximately 90% of babies in the United States were diapered using single-use diapers3. Coincidentally, the occurrence of diaper rash has increased from 7% in 1955 to 78% in 19913.

Many parents are taking a hard look at the many health and developmental, environmental, and economic advantages cloth diapering has over single-use diapers. This section provides information which supports the position that cloth diapering is clearly superior to single-use diapering in each of these areas. Additionally, this section discusses other considerations such as convenience and practicality.

Health and Developmental Issues

"Dry" does not mean "clean"

The multinational corporations who manufacture single-use diapers have misled the American consumer to believe that as long as a baby is dry, that they are clean. The urine in a wet diaper breaks down into ammonia and is a breeding ground for harmful bacteria regardless of how dry it feels.

Whatever kind of diaper you use, cotton or disposable, babies should be changed often… about every two hours! Bacteria begin to form as soon as a child wets or soils, and leaving a diaper on a baby for prolonged periods can not only produce irritation and rash but may compromise the skin to the point of serious infection. The chemical dryness of single-use has produced a great lowering of standards in baby care because parents are led to believe that as long as the diaper feels dry, it's all right to leave on. It isn't. Dry does not mean clean, and the urine absorbed by the chemicals used in single-use diapers stays right next to a baby's skin. (As do feces, which are a tremendous breeding ground for noxious bacteria.) Chemicals are not a substitute for the attention babies need, and "set-and-forget" diapering is not healthy.


Another area of concern are the toxic chemicals present in most single-use diapers. Nearly all single-use diapers use sodium polyacrylate to absorb moisture. Sodium polyacrylate is the same sort of substance that was used in Rely tampons in the mid-1980s4. Many consumers notice clear beads of gel on their baby's genitals after a diaper change. This material is sodium polyacrylate.

An additional serious concern is the risk that dioxin, a by-product of the paper-bleaching process, may exist in single-use diapers. Dioxin in various forms has been shown to cause cancer, birth defects, liver damage, and skin diseases.5

Disposable diapers linked to asthma6

Harsh perfumes and chemical emissions have long been known to induce asthma-like symptoms in children and adults. Now, researchers have found that disposable diapers might be a trigger for asthma.

A study published in the October, 1999 issue of the Archives of Environmental Health found that laboratory mice exposed to various brands of disposable diapers suffered increased eye, nose, and throat irritation, including bronchoconstriction similar to that of an asthma attack. Six leading cotton and disposable diaper brands were tested; cloth diapers were not found to cause respiratory problems among the lab mice.7

Dr. Rosalind C. Anderson, lead author of the report, "Acute Respiratory Effects of Diaper Emissions," explains that the diapers were tested right out of the package, and one at a time. Even in a mid-sized room, the emissions from one diaper were high enough to produce asthma-like symptoms. Solvents and other substances are typically added to products during the manufacturing process in order to affect malleability and other properties, Dr. Anderson explains. "Even if you don't want these chemicals in the final product, it's hard to take them out. We are finding chemical off-gasses in all sorts of baby products besides diapers, including baby mattresses and mattress covers," she says.

What chemicals were released from the diapers- Tolune, xylene, ethylbenzene, styrene, and isopropylbenzene, among others. Dr. Anderson says these, like certain scents, are bronchial irritants. "It's similar to when asthmatics smell perfume and all of a sudden their chests get tight." Although mice are much smaller than humans, they were chosen for the study because their physiology and biochemistry are similar to that of humans. Of the brands tested, three diaper brands were found not to affect the breathing of the lab mice: American Fiber and Finishing Co., Gladrags organic cotton diapers, and Tender Care disposable diapers.

Further study is needed to determine what level of diaper chemical emission triggers infant respiratory distress. In the meantime, Dr. Anderson advises asthmatic mothers to avoid exposure to these chemicals, and to be mindful of the fact that their children may be sensitive to these and other asthma antagonists such as dust mites, roaches, and smoking. Asthma rates are on a sharp incline in the US and worldwide, particularly among poor and inner-city children.

Read the entire article here

Increased scrotal temperature in single-use diaper may lead to male infertility8

The increased use of single-use diapers may explain the increase in male infertility over the past 25 years, suggests a study in the Archives of Disease in Childhood. The research shows that single-use diapers lined with plastic significantly increase the temperature of the scrotum when compared to the scrotal temperature of boys using cloth diapers. Temperature is critical to normal testicular development and sperm health.

The researchers monitored the scrotal temperature of 48 healthy boys, including five premature babies, from birth up to the age of 55 months, using a tiny, non-invasive thermal probe. The study ranged over two 24-hour periods. During one of the periods the boys wore reusable cotton diapers; during the other, they wore plastic-lined single-use diapers. Temperature was measured during waking and sleeping hours; and rectal temperature was also measured for comparison.

The study shows that scrotal temperature, which closely reflects testicular temperature, is increased in boys wearing single-use plastic-lined diapers. The mean difference in scrotal temperature between the two ranged between .6°C and 1.1°C (1.1°F and 2.0°F). The authors of the study conclude that the insulation properties of the single-use diapers impaired normal testicular cooling mechanisms and in 13 of the boys studied, the cooling mechanism failed altogether.

In adults, it has been shown that exposure to high temperatures can reduce sperm count in adult males. The subsequent risk of adult infertility in boys whose testicles fail to descend at the normal age is thought to be attributable to increased testicular temperature. The authors of the study conclude that a prolonged increase in scrotal temperature in early childhood may therefore have an important role in subsequent testicular health and function, with implications for male fertility.

Environmental Issues

Manufacturing and Disposal

An estimated 18 billion single-use diapers are thrown in landfills each year, taking as many as 500 years to decompose, and commonly contain raw, untreated sewage. Disposable diapers make up the third largest source of solid waste in landfills, after newspapers and food and beverage containers9. It takes upwards of 82,000 tons of plastic and 1.3 million tons of wood pulp, or a quarter-million trees, to manufacture the disposable diapers that cover the bottoms of 90 percent of the babies born in the US10.

The negative impact of single-use diapers on the environment goes far beyond the disposal problem. A study prepared by The Landbank Consultancy for The Women's Environmental Network shows that single-use diapers use 3.5 times as much energy, 8 times as much non-regenerable raw materials, and 90 times as much renewable material as cloth diapers11. In a world with an expanding population and increasingly limited available resources, the need for conservation in day-to-day activities becomes much more evident.

A report written by Carl Lehrburger, Jocelyn Mullen, and C.V. Jones concluded in part "Single-use diapers are shown to generate significantly more solid waste, to consume greater quantities of energy and raw materials, and to generate more potentially toxic pollutants on a per-diaper-change basis."12 The report continues "Considering the overall environmental burdens, and most notably the higher volumes of solid waste produced and energy and raw materials consumed by single-use diapers, reusable diapers are determined to be superior from an environmental perspective."12

Lehrburger concludes in another report "The conclusions of this study are that in light of dwindling landfill capacity, growing waste disposal costs and potential public health concerns, the use of reusable cotton diapers should be encouraged over single-use diapers, and the elimination of single-use diapers going to landfills is a desirable and reasonable public policy objective."13


Single-use diapers are, as their name implies, used once, then discarded. They are almost always sent to landfills or incinerators, never reused and almost never recycled. In contrast, the average cloth diaper is used between 100 and 150 times as a diaper, and then retired. Retired cloth diapers are in high demand and have a second lifecycle as rags for detailing shops, window washing services, janitorial services, piano retailers, and assorted other businesses where soft, lint-free rags are needed.

Economic Issues

Whether using cloth or single-use diapers, a baby should be immediately changed after it wets or soils a diaper. Based on this fact, the average infant should be changed approximately 70-80 times per week. Below is a comparison of the costs of single-use and a cloth diaper service:

Figure 1: Comparison of Weekly Cost

Single-Use Diapers14

Cloth Diaper Service15

30 diapers per week



40 diapers per week



50 diapers per week



60 diapers per week



70 diapers per week*



80 diapers per week



90 diapers per week



100 diapers per week



* Average number of diapers per week for newborns

Some may argue that single-use diapers don't need to be changed as often as cloth, which justifies their higher cost per diaper. We strongly disagree. Leaving a baby in a soiled diaper, whether it is cloth or single-use, is an open invitation for diaper rash and other problems. A baby's diaper is not meant to be used as a septic tank.

Many parents who use single-use diapers think nothing of spending $15 or $20 on diapers when they shop for groceries, which quickly gets hidden in the total grocery bill. When this hidden cost is revealed, and the cost of additional diapering because of delayed potty training, it becomes immediately apparent that cloth diapering is far less costly than the total cost of single-use diapers.

Figure 2: Comparison of Total Cost

Single-Use Diapers14

Cloth Diaper Service15

24 Months (104 weeks)



36 Months (156 weeks)



48 Months (208 weeks)



The chart above assumes an average of 70 diapers per week throughout the diapering period, with stable pricing for both single-use diapers and cloth diaper service ($39.90 per week for single-use diapers, $17.50 per week for cloth diaper service as shown in the previous chart). Clearly, when compared diaper for diaper, cloth has an indisputable economic advantage over single-use diapers. When you consider the fact that most babies diapered using cloth diapers are toilet trained up to a year earlier, the economic advantage of cloth is even more dramatic.

Convenience and Practicality

Things have changed since 1955

The large multinational manufacturers of disposable diapers have been successful at convincing uninformed consumers about how easy using single-use diapers is. However, they neglect to mention how cloth diapering has progressed since the folding and pinning of the 1950s. Modern cloth diapering now gives you the option of using diaper wraps which secure the diaper in place with Velcro fasteners, and make pinning and extensive folding unnecessary.

Real convenience

As mentioned earlier, the average babies wearing cloth diapers are toilet trained at 24-30 months, while the average age for babies wearing single-use diapers is 36-42 months. This not only has obvious economic implications, but it is highly significant for your baby's development. Toilet training is an important step on the way to increased competence, confidence, and sense of self. Having an estimated one year less of diapering is a real convenience that the single-use diaper manufacturers can't match.

To Sum it All Up

There is a noticeable increased awareness and interest in cloth diapering as a viable alternative to the short-sighted and wasteful practice of using single-use diapers. This article and its references demonstrate that cloth diapering holds clear and significant health and developmental, environmental, and economic advantages over single-use diapering. Additionally, the convenience of modern cloth diapering rivals the convenience of single-use diapers, particularly when a diaper laundering service is used.

For further information, contact the National Association of Diaper Services on the Internet at nads@diapernet.org.


1 The New York Times, January 12, 1999

2 The Wall Street Journal, May 4, 1993

3 Journal of Pediatrics, 1959, Vol 54 pp. 793-800 "Relationship of Peri-Anal Dermititis to Fecel pH" by Drs. Tamio, Steiner, Benjamin

Clinical Pediatrics, May 1991, Vol 30 Department of Internal Medicine & Pediatrics, Loyola University Medical Ctr.

Newborn Chemical Exposure from over-the-counter Skin-Care Products by Drs. Cetta, Lambert, & Ross

4 Judy Braiman-Lipson, Empire State Consumer Association, Rochester, NY.

5 EPA, "Integrated Risk Assessment for Dioxins and Furans from Chlorine Bleaching in Pulp and Paper Mills."

6 Reprinted by permission of Mothering, Issue 98, www.mothering.com

7Anderson, Rosalind, and Julius Anderson. "Acute Respiratory Effects of Diaper Emissions," Archives of Environmental Health, 54, October 1999.

8 Partsch, Aukamp, and Sippell. "Scrotal temperature is increased in disposable plastic lined nappies." Division of Pediatric Endocrinology, Department of Pediatrics, Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel. May 2000.

9 EPA, "Positive Steps towards Waste Reduction," June 1989

10 Rhode Island Solid Waste Management Corporation.

11 The Landbank Consultancy Limited, "A Review of Proctor & Gamble's Environmental Balances for Disposable and Re-usable Nappies" July 1991

12 Leherburger/Mullen/Jones, "Diapers: Environmental Impacts and Lifecycle Analysis," January 1991

13 Carl Leherburger, "Diapers in the Waste Stream: A Review of Waste Management and Public Policy Issues"

14 Kmart.com, April 3, 2004, Huggies® Ultratrim, size M, 14-pack, $7.98 plus tax

15 TideeDidee.com published rate schedule as of September 1, 2004, infants to regular size

Source : http://www.diapernet.org/whycloth.htm

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